Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Leaving Church," Toquerville, UT 1953

In a photo project entitled "Three Mormon Towns," Dorothea Lange partnered with Amsel Adams to photograph three communities in Southern Utah during a time of postwar change: Gunlock, Toquerville, and St. George. The photos appeared in LIFE magazine, to the surprise of the subjects, which of course created no small stir. Amsel Adams apparently had wanted to inform the subjects of their intentions to publish, but that is not what I really want to talk about here.  I feel so much when I look at this picture. Memories of Southern Utah with my grandparents come to mind. Sunday after Sunday comes to mind. The Mormon people come to mind, always with the deep connection to the American West. And I remember where I came from, I always remember where I came from, though I have gone far.

Roots Cannot Be Torn From Under

I did not
slam the door, or even

there was no
standing on a pulpit
or crashing of plates
like maybe

some would say
there should have

when they blessed the
bread, I listened
to the blessing of souls about
to partake

in remembrance of the Son
for the Spirit to be with them.

The cups passed in front of me
I passed the shining 
silver tray in front of me.

My head was bowed
my eyes were raised
it was the last time

it was the last time

I would sit
under the
soon to be 

1 comment:

( ) said...

moving. I love your deep honesty about the journey you've had from your mormon roots