Saturday, May 7, 2011

words of a yeoman, a tenant farmer from tennessee

(speaking with Robert Coles)

...I talk to my land, you know. I ask it to be good; each year at the start I do. And each year at the end I say, thank you and amen...

...But I've always believed that when we leave our house and start in out there on the land, we're meeting God and doing all we can to show Him we can hear Him and we can believe in Him; and the proof is that He's there, helping us with the gift of His land, you see, and His sun you see, and His good, good rain, His precious rain that He sends us just when we need it and sometimes in between and to spare. It's up to us to go out and do our best by Him...

...There are times when I wish the good Lord would say to Himself that He should treat us all like we're in His Garden, and He should help the good people along, and take up the bad people, the weeds, and put them someplace else -- maybe up on one of the stars, way away. Then the weeds could have another chance there, to start over and not turn into weeds, you might say. I don't want people to be killed, as if they could only be weeds and nothing else!"