Freegans are people who fill their fridges and their bellies with thrown out food. Regularly going through public dumpsters near grocery stores and other food producing sort of businesses, they take home their livelihood for free. Sometimes they go on raids, like sanctioned garbage hunts. Picture a cluster of mostly 20 somethings, professionals, college students, social workers, etc. All can more or less afford food but are making a statement at the garbage can. Like recycling, but backwards. Contributing to the world by consuming less.
So a week later I'm at the grocery store and I buy some sugar, a tomato, a loaf of bread, and some chocolate sprinkles for some cookies I'm about to bake. And. Suddenly as I'm driving away I am wondering out of the corner of my eye where the dumpster is. (!) Later, as I am making cookies and pizza (at the same time) I accidently burn my pizza. Just as I am opening the lid of my trash can a little Freegan popped onto my shoulder and said, "That's good food!" I looked at the crusty pizza and a spoiled version of myself appeared on my other shoulder saying, "gross, who would eat that?" The Freegan, who actually might have been my father, said, "Freegans, and lots of little starving children."
So I stared at my crusty pizza, and decided to give it a chance. It was brown and crunchy and a little soft in the middle, and actually quite satisfying. As I took my last bite I thought, "To Freegans."
Should I?